§ 15.2-2904. Meetings; quorum; majority vote; panel to conduct investigationand make report; compensation and expenses.
The Commission shall fix the time and place for holding regular meetings,which shall be held at least once every two months. Special meetings of theCommission may be called by any member and shall be held on such occasions asmay be reasonably necessary to carry out the duties imposed by this chapter.The chairman shall cause to be mailed to all members, at least five days inadvance of a special meeting, written notice fixing the time, place, andpurpose of such meeting. Written notice of a special meeting shall not berequired if the time of the special meeting has been fixed at a regularmeeting or if all members file a written waiver of notice. A majority of themembers shall constitute a quorum, and no action of the Commission shall bevalid unless authorized by a majority vote of those present.
The Commission may appoint a panel of three members of the Commission toconduct any hearing and investigation and make any report required by thischapter. Any vote taken or report made shall be only by those members of theCommission who sat on the panel that heard the evidence. Any temporaryabsence of a panel member from a hearing will not disqualify such member fromparticipation in the vote or discussion, deliberation, drafting or approvalof a report.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2.2-2813, each member of the Commissionshall be compensated at the rate of $100 per day, plus reasonable andnecessary expenses, for each day or portion thereof in which the member isengaged in the business of the Commission.
(1979, c. 85, § 15.1-945.4; 1980, c. 592; 1983, c. 202; 1986, c. 384; 1997,c. 587.)