§ 15.2-3004. Vacancies on court occurring during trial.
If a vacancy occurs on such court at any time prior to the final dispositionof the case and the completion of all duties required to be performed by it,the court shall not be dissolved and the proceeding shall not fail; thevacancy shall be filled by designation of another judge from the panelprovided for in this chapter. Such substitute judge shall have all the powerand authority of his predecessor, and the court shall proceed as soconstituted to hear and determine the case and do all things necessary toaccomplish its final disposition and the completion of all the duties of thecourt, including such matters as the certification of evidence andexceptions. No decision shall be rendered or action taken after suchdesignation with respect to any question previously submitted to but notdecided by the court except after a full hearing in open court by the courtas reconstituted of all the evidence theretofore introduced before the courtand a hearing of all arguments theretofore made with reference to suchquestion.
(Code 1950, § 15-152.9; 1952, c. 328; 1960, c. 474; 1962, c. 623, §15.1-1039; 1979, c. 85; 1997, c. 587.)