§ 15.2-3108. Petition and hearing; recordation of order; costs.
Within a reasonable time after a voluntary boundary agreement is adopted bythe affected localities, each affected locality shall petition the circuitcourt for one of the affected localities to approve the boundary agreement.The petition shall set forth the facts pertaining to the desire to relocateor change the boundary line between the localities, and the petition shallinclude or have attached to it a plat depicting the change in the boundariesof the localities as agreed or a metes and bounds description of the newboundary line as agreed upon by the two localities. If the court finds thatthe procedures required by § 15.2-3107 have been complied with and that thepetition is otherwise in proper order, the court shall enter an appropriateorder establishing the new boundary. The order shall include a plat depictingthe change in the boundaries of the locality or a metes and boundsdescription of the new boundary line of the locality, and that order shall beentered in the land records of the court and indexed in the names of thelocalities which were involved. Costs shall be awarded as the court maydetermine. Whenever such an order is entered, a certified copy of the ordershall be sent to the Secretary of the Commonwealth by the clerk of the court.
(1977, c. 277, § 15.1-1031.3; 1983, c. 594; 1993, c. 392; 1997, c. 587.)