§ 15.2-3202. Ordinance for annexation by city or town; appointment of specialcourt.
The council of any city or town may by an ordinance passed by a recordedaffirmative vote of a majority of all the members elected to the council,petition the circuit court for the county in which any territory adjacent tothe city or town lies, for the annexation of such territory. The circuitcourt with which the petition is filed shall notify the Supreme Court, whichshall appoint a special court to hear the case as prescribed by Chapter 30 (§15.2-3000 et seq.) of this title.
The ordinance shall set forth the necessity for or expediency of annexationand shall contain the following detailed information:
1. Metes and bounds and size of area sought;
2. Information, which may be shown on a map annexed to the ordinance, of thearea sought to be annexed, indicating generally subdivisions, industrialareas, farm areas, vacant areas and others, together with any otherinformation deemed relevant as to possible future uses of property within thearea. If a map is not annexed as part of the ordinance, then such informationshall be set forth in the ordinance;
3. A general statement of the terms and conditions upon which annexation issought, and the provisions planned for the future improvement of the annexedterritory, including the provision of public utilities and services therein.
(Code 1950, § 15-152.3; 1952, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1033; 1997, c.587.)