§ 15.2-3204. Notice of motion; service and publication.
At least thirty days before instituting any annexation proceeding under thischapter, a city or town shall serve notice and a certified copy of theordinance on the attorney for the Commonwealth, or on the county attorney, ifthere is one, and on the chairman of the governing body of the county whereinsuch territory lies that it will, on a given day, petition the circuit courtto grant the annexation requested in the ordinance. A copy of the notice andordinance, or a descriptive summary of the notice and ordinance and areference to the place within the city or town where copies of the notice andordinance may be examined, shall be published at least once a week for foursuccessive weeks in some newspaper published in such city or town, and whenthere is no newspaper published therein, then in a newspaper having generalcirculation in the county whose territory is affected. The proof of serviceor certificate of service of the notice and ordinance shall be returned afterservice to the clerk of the circuit court. Certification from the owner,editor or manager of the newspaper publishing the notice and ordinance ordescriptive summary shall be proof of publication.
(Code 1950, § 15-152.5; 1952, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1035; 1979, c. 85;1997, c. 587.)