§ 15.2-3212. Determination of value of public improvements.
In determining the value of any public improvement for the purposes set forthin § 15.2-3211 the special court shall take into consideration the originalcost thereof less depreciation, reproduction cost at the time of annexationless depreciation, as well as present value.
The city or town shall receive credit, upon a basis to be determined by thecourt, for any sums it may have contributed to such public improvement andmay in the discretion of the court be allowed credit for any portion of thecost thereof contributed by any federal, state or other agency and not borneby the county. When such improvements consist of a school financed in partfrom county funds and in part from a state grant, the city or town shallreceive such credit only upon that portion of the cost paid for by the stategrant and only then upon the ratio that children residing in the area annexedand enrolled in such school therein bears to the total attendance of schoolchildren in the county.
The governing body of the county or any town therein, portions of which areproposed to be annexed, shall not between the entry of the decree ofannexation and the date when the same becomes effective, make or contract forany permanent public improvements, to be paid for by the city or town seekingannexation, without the consent of the corporate authorities of the city ortown and the supervision of the official thereof charged with making similarpublic improvements within the city or town.
(Code 1950, § 15-152.13; 1952, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1043; 1997, c.587.)