§ 15.2-3237. Application to be made to circuit court; appointment of specialcourt; who may appear against.
Within thirty days of the enactment of an ordinance proposing to reduce thecorporate limits of a city or town, the city or town shall apply to thecircuit court for the city, or to the circuit court for the city or town, foran order confirming the ordinance. The circuit court with which the petitionis filed shall notify the Supreme Court, which shall appoint a special courtto hear the case as prescribed by Chapter 30 (§ 15.2-3000 et seq.) of thistitle. One or more residents or landowners of the territory proposed to beabandoned, or the governing body of the county or counties contiguousthereto, may appear and by petition set forth reasons why the corporatelimits should not be reduced.
(Code 1950, § 15-154; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1060; 1997, c. 587.)