§ 15.2-3301. Initiation of proceeding for declaration of immunity.
The governing body of any county or tier-city may, by ordinance passed by arecorded affirmative vote of a majority of the members thereof, petition thecircuit court for the county for an order declaring the county or tier-citytotally or partially immune, as the case may be, from city-initiatedannexation and from the incorporation of new cities within its boundaries.
If the petition for total or partial county immunity is filed after theinstitution of a proceeding for city-initiated annexation of county ortier-city territory or for the incorporation of a new city within thecounty's or tier-city's boundaries under the provisions of Chapters 32 (§15.2-3200 et seq.) or 38 (§ 15.2-3800 et seq.) and before the time limit forpleadings established by the court pursuant to § 15.2-3204 or § 15.2-3805,the proceeding for annexation or incorporation shall be stayed until thecourt determines the question of total or partial county immunity. The clerkof the circuit court shall give notice of its receipt of a county's ortier-city's petition for immunity to each court in which the county ortier-city may be a party to a city-initiated annexation proceeding or to aproceeding for the incorporation of a new city.
(1979, c. 85, § 15.1-977.20; 1984, c. 695; 1985, c. 478; 1997, c. 587.)