§ 15.2-3508. Election or appointment of county officers.
At the next regular November election held at least sixty days after theelection at which the consolidation is approved by the voters, all countyofficers provided for by general law shall be elected for the consolidatedcounty. Their terms shall begin on January 1 next succeeding their election,at which time they shall replace all elective county officers of theconsolidated counties whose terms shall terminate on such day. The terms ofthe new officers shall expire on January 1 next succeeding the regularelection of county officers in the Commonwealth.
All appointive county officers shall be appointed by the person, board orauthority upon whom the power to appoint such officers in other counties isconferred. The terms of such officers shall commence on January 1 nextsucceeding the first election of officers for the consolidated county andshall continue, unless otherwise removed, until their successors have beenappointed and qualified.
The successors of all such officers whose first election or appointment isherein provided for shall thereafter be elected or appointed at the time, inthe manner and for the terms provided by general law.
(Code 1950, § 15-169; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1078; 1997, c. 587.)