§ 15.2-3520. Counties, cities and towns specified; alternative consolidations.
By complying with the requirements specified in this article, any one or morecounties or cities having a common boundary, or any county and allincorporated towns located entirely therein, may consolidate into a singlecounty or city; however, no consolidation instituted under the provisions ofthis article shall result in the creation of consolidated cities, unless suchproposed consolidation is reviewed by the Commission on Local Government anda special court established pursuant to § 15.2-3522 and they meet thecriteria set out in subsection A of § 15.2-3526.
The term "incorporated towns" as used in this article means only thoseincorporated towns which have held municipal elections in the ten yearspreceding the date of the filing of a petition for a referendum pursuant to §15.2-3529.
If two or more like units of local government propose to consolidate into aconsolidated like unit of local government, they shall do so in accordancewith the provisions of Article 1 of this chapter.
This article applies to the (i) consolidation of unlike units of localgovernments such as a county and a city joining to form either a county orcity; (ii) consolidation of like units of local governments into an unlikeunit of local government such as a county and a county joining to form acity; or (iii) other combinations provided for herein.
(1979, c. 85, § 15.1-1130.1; 1983, c. 4; 1997, c. 587.)