§ 15.2-3530. Continuation of services of Department of Transportation afterconsolidation.
When a county and city consolidate into a city, or a combination of countiesand a city or cities consolidate into a city, or when any county and all ofthe incorporated towns located entirely therein are consolidated into a cityor cities, the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner shall continue thefull services of the Department of Transportation in those areas which wereformerly a county or counties in the same manner and to the same extent suchservices were rendered prior to such consolidation. Funds for themaintenance, construction and reconstruction of streets within the areasformerly a county or counties shall continue to be allocated as if such areaswere still in the county or counties, and such city or cities shall notreceive funds for maintenance, construction or reconstruction of streets inthose areas. In those areas where the Department of Transportation providesthe above services, the governing body of such city or cities, as the casemay be, shall have control over the streets and highways to the same extentas was formerly vested in the governing body of the county or counties.
Notwithstanding the above, at any time subsequent to the consolidation, whenin the opinion of the Commissioner, the consolidated area which was formerlya county or counties or any portion thereof becomes substantially urbanized,the Commissioner may by agreement with the governing body of the city,transfer the streets in any area deemed urbanized to the city forconstruction, reconstruction and maintenance, and thereafter funds for suchstreets shall be allocated as otherwise provided by law for city streets.
(1968, c. 694, § 15.1-1131.1; 1970, cc. 180, 223; 1979, c. 85; 1991, c. 189;1997, c. 587.)