§ 15.2-3705. Results of election.
The ballots shall be counted and returns made and canvassed as in otherelections and the results certified by the secretary of the electoral boardto the judge of the circuit court. If the report of the secretary of theelectoral board shows that a majority of the qualified voters of the townvoting on the question submitted are in favor of the annulment, the judgeshall enter such fact of record and shall notify the Secretary of theCommonwealth, and the annulment shall be effective on January 1 of the yearfollowing the year in which the order entering such fact of record is issuedor, in the discretion of the court, on the second January 1 following theyear in which issued. However, the court, upon joint petition of thegoverning bodies of the town and county or counties in which the town islocated, may order the annulment effective on any other date or dates.
(1992, c. 453, § 15.1-965.34; 1997, c. 587.)