§ 15.2-3812. Effect when town becomes city.
If a town becomes a city under this chapter, then:
1. Its charter, if it has one, shall remain in full force and effect insofaras its provisions do not conflict with this chapter;
2. Its ordinances shall be the ordinances of the city, insofar as they areapplicable, until they are repealed by the city;
3. The officers of the town shall be the officers of the city until theirsuccessors are elected or appointed and qualify, except as provided in thischapter, and shall discharge the duties and be subject to the penaltiesimposed by such charter and ordinances and by general law; and
4. Provisions of the town charter in conflict with this title or otherprovisions of general law shall be repealed thereby.
(Code 1950, § 15-83; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-983; 1979, c. 85; 1997, c. 587.)