§ 15.2-3816. Town treasurer to continue in office; appointment where town hadno treasurer.
If a town becomes a city under this chapter, the town treasurer, if there isone, shall be the city treasurer. If there is no town treasurer, then thevacancy shall be filled by appointment by the circuit court havingjurisdiction over the city or town, pending the next ensuing general electionor, if the vacancy occurs within 120 days prior to such election, pending thesecond ensuing general election.
The city treasurer, whether he is such by reason of having held the office oftown treasurer or by appointment, shall not discharge any duties as citytreasurer until he has given bond in a penalty to be fixed by the citycouncil pursuant to § 15.2-1512 and also the bond required by § 15.2-1530.The treasurer so appointed shall qualify before the court appointing him. Thetreasurer's duties shall include handling the city's revenues from allsources as the council directs. He shall serve until his successor is electedand qualified.
(Code 1950, § 15-87; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-987; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 158; 1997,c. 587.)