§ 15.2-3911. Charter provisions generally.
The charter shall provide for the orderly transition from a county form ofgovernment to a city form, for the assumption by the new city of the debt andcontractual obligations of the former county and of all towns formerlylocated therein, and for the transfer of all assets from such county andtowns to the new city. The city charter shall recognize any townships whichmay be created pursuant to § 15.2-3916, and where such townships are created,they shall assume the assets and debts of the towns they succeed. However,the city charter shall provide that all or part of the revenues of atownship, the services it performs, its facilities, other assets, and debtsmay be transferred to the city by agreement of the governing bodies. Theprovisions of the charter with respect to elected officials shall conform tothe applicable requirements of the Constitution of Virginia. The charter mayalso provide that the new city may continue any agreements or arrangementsundertaken under other provisions of law for the joint support of officials,facilities, and services that exist on the effective date of the citycharter. Such charter shall become effective on July 1 in the year ofenactment by the General Assembly.
(1979, c. 85, § 15.1-977.13; 1997, c. 587.)