§ 15.2-3912. Optional charter provisions.
Any charter adopted pursuant to this chapter may include any of the followingprovisions:
1. The rate of tax on real property in any territory which is a part of theproposed city shall be lower than in other territory of the proposed city fora period of five years, provided that any difference between such rates oftaxation shall bear a reasonable relationship to differences innonrevenue-producing governmental services giving land urban character whichare furnished in such territories.
2. A special tax may be levied on real property for a period not exceedingtwenty years in any area specified in the charter. The special tax may bedifferent from and in addition to the general tax rate throughout the entirecity and shall be for the purpose of repaying existing indebtednesschargeable to such area prior to the county becoming a city.
3. There shall be a new election of officers for the city whose election andqualification shall terminate the terms of office of the officers of theformer county. However, no new election need be held for offices required tobe continued by the Constitution, nor for any other office for which a newelection is deemed unnecessary.
4. The tax rate on all property of the same class within the city shall beuniform. However, the governing body of the city shall have power to levy ahigher tax in such areas of the city that desire additional or more completeservices of government than are desired in the city as a whole. The proceedsof the higher tax shall be segregated and expended in the areas in whichraised. Such higher tax rate shall not be levied for school, police orgeneral government services but only for those services which prior to thetransition were not offered in the whole of the former county.
(1979, c. 85, § 15.1-977.13:1; 1997, c. 587.)