§ 15.2-403. Same; powers and duties.
A. The board shall be the policy-determining body of the county and shall bevested with all the rights and powers conferred on boards of supervisors bygeneral law, not inconsistent with the form of county organization andgovernment herein provided.
B. The board may require of all departments, divisions, agencies and officersof the county and of the several districts of the county such annual reportsand other reports as in its opinion the business of the county requires.
C. The board may inquire into the official conduct of any office or officer,whether elective or appointive, of the county or of any district thereof, andto investigate the accounts, receipts, disbursements and expenses of anycounty or district officer. For these purposes it may subpoena witnesses,administer oaths, and require the production of books, papers and otherevidence. If any witness fails or refuses to obey any such lawful order ofthe board he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
D. The board shall, as soon as the county board form of county organizationand government takes effect in the county, provide for the performance of allthe governmental functions of the county in a manner consistent with thischapter.
E. Whenever it is not designated herein what officer or employee of thecounty shall exercise any power or perform any duty conferred upon orrequired of the county, or any officer thereof, by general law, then any suchpower shall be exercised or duty performed by that officer or employee of thecounty so designated by ordinance or resolution of the board.
(Code 1950, § 15-366; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-701; 1997, c. 587.)