§ 15.2-411. County health officer; county board of health.
The county health officer shall be chosen by the board of county supervisorsfrom a list of eligibles furnished by the State Board of Health. He shallexercise all the powers conferred and shall perform all the duties imposedupon the local health officer and perform such other duties as may be imposedupon him by the board of county supervisors. The board of county supervisorsmay select two qualified citizens of the county, who shall serve without pay,and who together with the county health officer shall constitute the countyboard of health. Such board shall advise and cooperate with the county healthofficer. The board may at any time be abolished by the board of countysupervisors. The board of county supervisors may, in lieu of establishing alocal board of health as herein provided, operate its health department as apart of a State Board of Health district.
(Code 1950, § 15-373; 1950, p. 696; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-709; 1997, c. 587.)