§ 15.2-4120. Court granting transition to town status to exist for ten years.
A. The special court created pursuant to § 15.2-4101 shall not be dissolvedafter rendering a decision granting any motion or petition for transition totown status, but shall remain in existence for a period of ten years from theeffective date of any transition order entered, or from the date of anydecision of the Supreme Court affirming such an order. Vacancies occurring inthe court during such ten-year period shall be filled by designation ofanother judge from the panel provided for in Chapter 30 (§ 15.2-3000 et seq.)of this title.
B. The court may be reconvened at any time during the ten-year period on itsown motion, or on motion of the governing body of the county, or of the town,or on petition of not less than fifteen percent of the registered voters ofthe town.
C. The court shall have power and it shall be its duty, at any time duringsuch period, to enforce the performance of the terms and conditions underwhich town status was granted, and to issue appropriate process to compelsuch performance. The court may, in its discretion, award attorneys' fees,court and other reasonable costs to the party or parties on whose motion thecourt is reconvened.
D. Any such action of the court shall be subject to review by the SupremeCourt in the same manner as is provided with respect to the original decisionof the court.
(1988, c. 881, § 15.1-965.27; 1997, c. 587.)