§ 15.2-4220. Dual membership authorized.
Any locality which is a member of a planning district commission may become amember of an additional planning district commission upon such terms andconditions as mutually agreed to by the locality and the additional planningdistrict commission. The locality shall notify the Department of Housing andCommunity Development of its membership status in the additional planningdistrict commission within thirty days of becoming a member. Whenever astate-directed activity is conducted by all the planning districtcommissions, the planning district boundaries identified by the Department ofHousing and Community Development shall be used, unless alternativeboundaries are agreed to by the localities and the planning districtcommissions affected. No additional state financial support shall be paid dueto a locality becoming a member of an additional planning district commission.
(1985, c. 109, § 15.1-1416; 1988, c. 263; 1991, c. 35; 1993, c. 797; 1994, c.650; 1995, cc. 732, 796; 1997, c. 587.)