§ 15.2-4402. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Advisory committee" means the agricultural and forestal advisory committee.
"Agricultural products" means crops, livestock and livestock products,including but not limited to field crops, fruits, vegetables, horticulturalspecialties, cattle, sheep, hogs, goats, horses, poultry, furbearing animals,milk, eggs and furs.
"Agricultural production" means the production for commercial purposes ofcrops, livestock and livestock products, but not processing or retailmerchandising of crops, livestock or livestock products.
"Agriculturally and forestally significant land" means land that hashistorically produced agricultural and forestal products, or land that anadvisory committee considers good agricultural and forestal land based uponsuch factors as soil quality, topography, climate, markets, farmimprovements, agricultural and forestry economics and technology, and otherrelevant factors.
"Clerk" means the clerk of the local circuit court or the clerk of thelocal governing body.
"Forestal products" includes, but is not limited to, lumber, pulpwood,posts, firewood, Christmas trees and other wood products for sale or for farmuse.
"Landowner" or "owner of land" means any person holding a fee simpleinterest in property but does not mean the holder of an easement.
"Participating locality" means the Counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Fairfax,Hanover, Loudoun, Prince William, Roanoke, and Rockingham.
(1982, c. 374, § 15.1-1513.3; 1991, c. 67; 1992, c. 344; 1997, c. 587; 2007,c. 813.)