§ 15.2-4403. Power of participating localities to enact ordinances;application form and fees.
A. Participating localities shall have the authority to enact ordinances andto promulgate forms to effectuate this chapter. The participating localitymay charge a reasonable fee for all applications submitted pursuant to thischapter; such fee shall not to exceed fifty dollars or the costs ofprocessing and reviewing an application, whichever is less.
B. The participating locality shall prescribe application forms foragricultural and forestal districts that include but are not limited to thefollowing information:
1. The general location and boundaries of the district;
2. A summary of the acreage in the district including (i) estimated totalacreage in the district and (ii) acreage owned by persons proposing thedistrict;
3. The name, address, total acreage owned within the proposed district andsignature of each landowner proposing the district; and
4. The date of application, date of final county action and whether approved,modified or rejected.
C. The application form shall be accompanied by maps or aerial photographs,or both, prescribed by the participating locality which clearly show theboundaries of the proposed district, boundaries of properties within theproposed district owned by each applicant, and any other features asprescribed by the participating locality.
(1982, c. 374, § 15.1-1513.4; 1997, c. 587.)