§ 15.2-4407. Withdrawal of land from district of local significance.
A. At any time after the creation of an agricultural, forestal, or anagricultural and forestal district of local significance within FairfaxCounty, any owner of land lying in such district may file a written notice ofwithdrawal with the local governing body which created the district, and uponthe filing of such notice, the withdrawal shall be effective. In no way shallthis section affect the ability of an owner to withdraw his land from aproposed district as is authorized by subsection C of § 15.2-4405.
B. Any person withdrawing land from a district located in the Counties ofAlbemarle, Augusta, Hanover, Loudoun, Prince William, Roanoke, and Rockinghamshall follow the withdrawal procedures required by § 15.2-4314.
C. Upon withdrawal of land from a district, the real estate previouslyincluded in such district shall be subject to roll-back taxes, as areprovided in § 58.1-3237, and also a penalty in the amount equal to two timesthe taxes determined in the year following the withdrawal from the districton all land previously within the district.
D. Upon withdrawal of land from a district no provisions of the ordinancewhich created the district shall any longer apply to the lands previously inthe district which were withdrawn.
E. The withdrawal of land from a district shall not itself serve to terminatethe existence of the district. Such district shall continue in effect and besubject to review as to whether it should be terminated, modified orcontinued pursuant to § 15.2-4405.
(1982, c. 374, § 15.1-1513.8; 1983, c. 558; 1991, c. 67, § 15.1-1513.9; 1994,c. 193; 1997, c. 587; 2007, c. 813.)