§ 15.2-4502. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have thefollowing meanings, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
(a) "District" means a transportation district authorized to be created bythis chapter;
(b) "Commission" or "district commission" means the governing body of adistrict;
(c) "Agency" or "such agency" means an agency authorized by, or arisingfrom action of, the General Assembly of Virginia to plan for or providetransportation facilities and service for a metropolitan area partly locatedin Virginia;
(d) "Component governments" means the counties and cities comprising atransportation district and the various departments, bureaus and divisions ofsuch counties and cities;
(e) "Governing bodies" means the boards of supervisors of counties andcouncils of cities comprising a transportation district;
(f) "Metropolitan area" means a standard metropolitan statistical area asdefined in the pamphlet Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, issued byExecutive Office of the President, Bureau of the Budget, 1964, or anycontiguous counties or cities within this Commonwealth which togetherconstitute an urban area;
(g) "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, orany governmental agency or authority;
(h) "State" includes the District of Columbia;
(i) "Transportation facilities," "transit facilities" or "facilities"mean all those matters and things utilized in rendering transportationservice by means of rail, bus, water or air and any other mode of travel,including without limitation tracks, rights-of-way, bridges, tunnels,subways, rolling stock for rail, motor vehicle, marine and airtransportation, stations, terminals and ports, areas for parking, buildings,structures and all equipment, fixtures and business activities reasonablyrequired for the performance of transportation service, but shall not includeany such facilities owned by any person, company, association or corporation,the major part of whose transportation service extends beyond atransportation district created hereunder.
(1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1344; 1986, c. 438; 1997, c. 587.)