§ 15.2-4517. Protection of employees of public transportation systems.
In any county or city, the commission referred to in § 15.2-4515, in additionto other prohibitions, shall not operate any such transit facility, orotherwise provide or cause to be provided, any transportation services,unless fair and equitable arrangements have been made for the protection ofemployees of existing public transportation systems in the transportationdistrict or in the metropolitan area in which the transportation district islocated. Such protections shall include (i) assurances of employment toemployees of such transportation systems to the fullest extent possibleconsistent with sound management, and priority of employment, or, ifterminated or laid off, reemployment; (ii) preservation of rights,privileges, and benefits (including continuation of pension rights andbenefits) under existing collective bargaining agreements or otherwise; (iii)continuation of collective bargaining rights; (iv) protection of individualemployees against a worsening of their positions with respect to theiremployment, to the extent provided by § 13 (c) of the Urban MassTransportation Act, as amended, 49 U.S.C. § 5333; and (v) paid training andretraining programs. Such protections shall be specified by the commission inany contract or lease for the acquisition or operation of any such transitfacilities or services. The employees of any transit facility operated by thecommission shall have the right, in the case of any labor dispute relating tothe terms and conditions of their employment for the purpose of resolvingsuch dispute, to submit the dispute to final and binding arbitration by animpartial umpire or board of arbitration acceptable to the parties.
(1974, c. 53, § 15.1-1357.2; 1997, c. 587.)