§ 15.2-4832. Composition of Authority; membership; terms.
The Authority shall consist of 17 members as follows:
The chief elected officer of the governing body of each county and cityembraced by the Authority or, in the discretion of the chief elected officer,his designee, who shall be a current elected officer of such governing body;
Two members of the House of Delegates who reside in different counties orcities embraced by the Authority, appointed by the Speaker of the House, tothe extent practicable, from the membership of the House Committee onAppropriations, the House Committee on Finance, or the House Committee onTransportation;
One member of the Senate who resides in a county or city embraced by theAuthority, appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, to the extentpracticable, from the membership of the Senate Committee on Finance and theSenate Committee on Transportation; and
Two citizens who reside in counties and cities embraced by the Authority,appointed by the Governor. One gubernatorial appointment shall include amember of the Commonwealth Transportation Board who resides in a county orcity embraced by the Authority. The remaining gubernatorial appointment shallbe a person who has significant experience in transportation planning,finance, engineering, construction, or management and shall be a resident ofa county or city embraced by the Authority, but shall not be a resident ofthe same county or city as the other gubernatorial appointee to the Authority.
Legislative members shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office.The gubernatorial appointee who is not a member of the CommonwealthTransportation Board shall serve for a term of four years. Vacanciesoccurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for theunexpired term. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the originalappointments.
In addition, the following persons shall serve as nonvoting members of theAuthority: the Director of the Virginia Department of Rail and PublicTransportation, or his designee; the Commonwealth TransportationCommissioner, or his designee; and the chief elected officer of one town in acounty which the Authority embraces to be chosen by the Authority.
The Authority shall appoint the chairman and vice-chairman.
(2002, c. 846; 2004, c. 1000; 2008, c. 434.)