§ 15.2-4837. Formation of advisory committees.
The Authority shall have a technical advisory committee, consisting of nineindividuals who reside or are employed in counties and cities embraced by theAuthority and have experience in transportation planning, finance,engineering, construction, or management. Six members shall be appointed bylocal jurisdictions and three members shall be appointed by the chairman ofthe Commonwealth Transportation Board. The technical advisory committeeshall advise and provide recommendations on the development of projects asrequired by § 15.2-4838 and funding strategies and other matters as directedby the Authority. The Authority also shall have a planning coordinationadvisory committee, which shall include, but not be limited to, at least oneelected official from each town that is located in any county embraced by theAuthority and receives street maintenance payments under § 33.1-41.1. TheAuthority may, in its discretion, form additional advisory committees.
(2002, c. 846.)