§ 15.2-512. Appointment of officers and employees; recommendations by countyexecutive; discussions with board.
The board shall appoint, upon the recommendation of the county executive, allofficers and employees in the administrative service of the county except asotherwise provided in § 15.2-535 and except as the board may authorize thehead of a department or office to appoint subordinates in such department oroffice. However, in appointing the county school board no recommendation bythe county executive shall be required. All appointments shall be based onthe ability, training and experience of the appointees which are relevant tothe work which they are to perform.
The county executive shall have the right to take part in all discussions andto present his views on all matters coming before the board. The attorney forthe Commonwealth, the sheriff and the directors or heads of the departmentsshall be entitled to present their views on matters relating to theirrespective departments.
(Code 1950, § 15-281; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-598; 1997, c. 587.)