§ 15.2-531. Department of education.
The department of education shall consist of the county school board, thedivision superintendent of schools and the officers and employees thereof.Except as herein otherwise provided, the county school board and the divisionsuperintendent of schools shall exercise the powers conferred and perform theduties imposed upon them by general law. The county school board shall becomposed of not less than three nor more than seven members, who shall bechosen by the board of county supervisors. The exact number of members shallbe determined by the board.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the county schoolboard in a county which is contiguous to a county having the urban countyexecutive form of government shall consist of the same number of members asthere are supervisors' election districts for the county, one member to beappointed from each of the districts by the board of county supervisors.
The board may also appoint a county resident to cast the deciding vote incase of a tie vote of the school board as provided in § 22.1-75. Any tiebreaker shall be appointed for a four-year term whether appointed to fill avacancy caused by expiration of a term or otherwise.
The chairman of the county school board, for the purpose of appearing beforethe board of county supervisors, shall be considered head of this department,unless the school board designates some other person in the department forsuch purpose.
(Code 1950, § 15-292; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-609; 1980, c. 559; 1981, c. 246;1988, cc. 102, 449; 1997, c. 587.)