§ 15.2-5106. Voters' petition requesting agreement and referendum.
The qualified voters of any locality whose governing body has not acted tocreate an authority under § 15.2-5102 may file with the governing body ofsuch locality a petition asking the governing body to effect an agreement inaccordance with § 15.2-5102 with the localities named in the petition. Suchpetition shall be signed by at least ten percent of the number of thelocality's voters who voted in the last presidential election and in no casebe signed by fewer than fifty voters. The petition shall ask the governingbody to petition the circuit court for a referendum on the question of thecreation of the authority.
If the governing body is unable, or for any reason fails, to perfect suchagreement within three months of the day the petition was filed with suchgoverning body, then the circuit court for the locality shall appoint acommittee of five representative citizens of the locality to act for and inlieu of the governing body in perfecting the agreement and in petitioning fora referendum. The agreement shall not take effect unless approved in thereferendum by a majority of the voters voting in the referendum.
(1972, c. 370, § 15.1-1244.1; 1975, c. 517; 1997, c. 587.)