§ 15.2-5113. Members of authority board; chief administrative or executiveofficer.
A. The powers of each authority created by the governing body of a singlelocality shall be exercised by an authority board of five members, or at theoption of the board of supervisors of a county, a number of board membersequal to the number of members of the board of supervisors. The powers ofeach authority created by the governing bodies of two or more localitiesshall be exercised by the number of authority board members specified in itsarticles of incorporation, which shall be not less than one member from eachparticipating locality and not less than a total of five members. The boardmembers of an authority shall be selected in the manner and for the termsprovided by the agreement or ordinance or resolution or concurrent ordinancesor resolutions creating the authority. One or more members of the governingbody or one or more directors of an industrial or economic developmentauthority of a locality may be appointed board members of the authority, theprovisions of any other law to the contrary notwithstanding. No board membershall be appointed for a term of more than four years. When one or moreadditional political subdivisions join an existing authority, each of suchjoining political subdivisions shall have at least one member on the board.Board members shall hold office until their successors have been appointedand may succeed themselves. The board members of the authority shall electone of their number chairman, and shall elect a secretary and treasurer whoneed not be members. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined.
B. A majority of board members shall constitute a quorum and the vote of amajority of board members shall be necessary for any action taken by theauthority. An authority may, by bylaw, provide a method to resolve tie votesor deadlocked issues.
C. No vacancy in the board membership of the authority shall impair the rightof a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of theauthority. If a vacancy occurs by reason of the death, disqualification orresignation of a board member, the governing body of the politicalsubdivision which appointed the authority board member shall appoint asuccessor to fill the unexpired term. Whenever a political subdivisionwithdraws its membership from an authority, the term of any board memberappointed to the board of the authority from such political subdivision shallimmediately terminate. Board members shall receive such compensation as fixedby resolution of the governing body or bodies which are members of theauthority, and shall be reimbursed for any actual expenses necessarilyincurred in the performance of their duties.
D. Alternate board members may also be selected. Such alternates shall beselected in the same manner and shall have the same qualifications as theboard members except that an alternate for an elected board member need notbe an elected official. The term of each alternate shall be the same as theterm of the board member for whom each serves as an alternate; however, thealternate's term shall not expire because of the board member's death,disqualification, resignation, or termination of employment with the member'spolitical subdivision. If a board member is not present at a meeting of theauthority, the alternate for that board member shall have all the voting andother rights of a board member and shall be counted for purposes ofdetermining a quorum.
E. The board members may appoint a chief administrative or executive officerwho shall serve at the pleasure of the board members. He shall execute andenforce the orders and resolutions adopted by the board members and performsuch duties as may be delegated to him by the board members.
(Code 1950, § 15-764.11; 1950, p. 1317; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1249; 1968, c.355; 1972, c. 544; 1973, cc. 135, 521; 1974, c. 276; 1979, cc. 273, 280;1980, c. 67; 1995, c. 285; 1997, c. 587; 2009, c. 655.)