§ 15.2-5138.1. Enforcement of certain charges when authority does not providewater services.
A. This section shall apply only to an authority operating in PlanningDistrict 1 or Planning District 2.
B. If any rates, fees or charges for the use and services of any sewer systemacquired or constructed by the authority under the provisions of this chapterare not paid within 60 days after they become due, the authority may requirethat the owner, tenant or occupant of such premises cease disposing of sewageor industrial wastes originating from or on such premises by dischargedirectly or indirectly into the sewer system until such rates, fees orcharges, with interest, are paid. If such owner, tenant or occupant does notcease such disposal at the expiration of the 60-day period, the authority mayrequire any political subdivision, district, private corporation, board, bodyor person supplying water to or selling water for use on such premises tocease supplying water to or selling water for use on such premises withinfive days after the receipt of notice of such delinquency from the authority.If such political subdivision, district, private corporation, board, body orperson does not, at the expiration of such five-day period, cease supplyingwater to or selling water for use on such premises, then the authority mayshut off the supply of water to such premises.
C. The water supply to or for any person, or for use on real estate of anyperson, shall not be shut off or stopped under this section if the StateHealth Commissioner, upon application of the local board of health or healthofficer of the locality in which such water is supplied or such real estateis located, has found and certifies to the authorities charged with theresponsibility of ceasing to supply or sell such water, or to shut off thesupply of such water, that ceasing to supply or shutting off such watersupply will endanger the health of such person and the health of others inthe locality.
(2008, c. 452.)