§ 15.2-5154. Contents of petition.
A petition for the creation of a community development authority shall:
1. Set forth the name and describe the boundaries of the proposed district,including any provisions for adjusting the community development authoritydistrict boundaries pursuant to subsection A of § 15.2-5155;
2. Describe the services and facilities proposed to be undertaken by thecommunity development authority within the district;
3. Describe a proposed plan for providing and financing such services andfacilities within the district;
4. Describe the benefits which can be expected from the provision of suchservices and facilities by the community development authority;
5. Provide that the board members of the community development authorityshall be selected under the applicable provisions of § 15.2-5113; and
6. Request the local governing body to establish the proposed communitydevelopment authority for the purposes set forth in the petition.
Such petition may provide that the board members of the community developmentauthority appointed pursuant to § 15.2-5113 shall consist of a majority ofthe petitioning landowners or their designees or nominees.
(Code 1950, § 15-764.3; 1950, p. 1315; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1241; 1972, c.370; 1973, c. 478; 1993, c. 850; 1995, c. 402; 1996, c. 897; 1997, c. 587;2009, c. 473.)