§ 15.2-5203. Effect of adoption of resolution.
In any suit, action, or proceeding involving the validity or enforcement ofor relating to any contract of the hospital or health center commission, suchcommission shall be conclusively deemed to have become created as a bodypolitic and corporate, and to have become established and authorized totransact business and exercise its powers, upon proof of the adoption of aresolution by the governing body of each locality for which the commission iscreated declaring the need for such commission, and, if more than onepolitical subdivision is involved, that it unites with the other politicalsubdivisions in declaring such needs. A copy of the resolution, certified bythe clerk of the locality by which it is adopted, shall be admissible inevidence in any suit, action or proceeding.
(Code 1950, § 32-278; 1950, p. 243; 1979, c. 719, § 15.1-1517; 1997, c. 587.)