§ 15.2-5216. When court may enter order declaring need for commission nolonger exists.
Whenever it appears to commission members that the need, as stated in §15.2-5202, for such commission no longer exists, the members may, after tendays' notice to the governing body of the locality establishing a commissionpursuant to §§ 15.2-5200 and 15.2-5202, file a petition with the circuitcourt for such political subdivision or for any of such politicalsubdivisions. Upon the production of satisfactory evidence in support of thepetition, the court may, in its discretion, enter an order declaring that theneed for such commission in the locality or combination thereof no longerexists and approving a plan for completing the business of the commission,the payment or assumption of its obligations, and the transfer of its assets.
(Code 1950, § 32-290.1; 1970, c. 150, § 15.1-1530; 1979, c. 719; 1997, c.587.)