§ 15.2-5300. Finding and declaration of necessity.
It is declared that conditions resulting from the concentration of populationof various cities of the Commonwealth require the construction, maintenanceand operation of adequate hospital facilities for the care of the publichealth, for the control and treatment of epidemics, for the care of theindigent and for the public welfare. In various cities of the Commonwealth,adequate hospital facilities are not available to the inhabitants, and,consequently, many persons, including persons of low income, are forced to dowithout adequate medical and hospital care and accommodations. Theseconditions cause an increase in and the spread of disease and crime andconstitute a menace to the health, safety, morals and welfare of theCommonwealth and impair economic values. The aforesaid conditions also existin certain areas surrounding such cities, and these conditions cannot beremedied by the ordinary operations of private enterprises. The providing ofadequate hospital and medical care are public uses and purposes for whichpublic money may be spent and private property acquired. It is in the publicinterest that adequate hospital and medical facilities and care be providedin such concentrated centers of population in order to care for and protectthe health and public welfare. The provisions hereinafter enacted aredeclared as a matter of legislative determination necessary in the publicinterest.
(Code 1950, § 32-213; 1979, c. 719, § 15.1-1533; 1997, c. 587.)