§ 15.2-5346. Authority to issue.
The authority shall have power and is hereby authorized from time to time inits discretion to issue bonds for any of its purposes, including the paymentof all or any part of the cost of any hospital project and the refunding ofany bonds previously issued by it. Bonds may be issued under this chapternotwithstanding any debt or other limitation prescribed in any statute andwithout obtaining the consent of any locality, government or any commission,board, bureau or agency of any of the foregoing; and without any otherproceedings or the happening of other conditions or things than thoseproceedings, conditions or things which are specifically required by thischapter.
(Code 1950, § 32-261; 1973, c. 462, § 15.1-1581; 1979, c. 719; 1997, c. 587.)