§ 15.2-5401. Intent of General Assembly.
It is the intent of the General Assembly by the passage of this chapter toauthorize the creation of electric authorities by localities of thisCommonwealth, either acting jointly or separately, in order to providefacilities for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricpower and energy, and to vest such authorities with all powers that may benecessary to enable them to accomplish such purposes, which powers shall beexercised for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth.
It is further the intent of the General Assembly that in order to achieve theeconomies and efficiencies made possible by the proper planning, financing,sizing and location of facilities for the generation, transmission, anddistribution of electric power and energy which are not practical for anylocality or electric authority acting alone, and to insure an adequate,reliable and economical supply of electric power and energy to theinhabitants of the Commonwealth, electric authorities shall be authorized tojointly cooperate and plan, finance, develop, own and operate with otherelectric authorities and other public corporations and governmental entitiesand investor-owned electric power companies and electric power cooperativeassociations or corporations, within or outside the Commonwealth, electricgeneration, transmission, and distribution facilities in order to provide forthe present and future requirements of the electric authorities and theirparticipating localities. It is further the intent of the General Assemblythat an authority that is created by the Town of Elkton and that is limitedby its articles of incorporation to having the Town of Elkton as its solemember throughout its life is authorized to become an authority to distributeelectric energy for retail sale. The distribution of electric energy forretail sale by an authority that is created by the Town of Elkton and that islimited by its articles of incorporation to having the Town of Elkton as itssole member throughout its life shall be limited to the geographic area thatwas served as of January 1, 2006, by the Town of Elkton.
Accordingly, it is determined that the exercise of the powers granted hereinwill benefit the inhabitants of the Commonwealth and serve a valid publicpurpose in improving and otherwise promoting their health, welfare andprosperity.
This chapter shall be liberally construed in conformity with these intentions.
(1979, c. 416, § 15.1-1604; 1997, c. 587; 2006, cc. 929, 941.)