§ 15.2-5406.1. Retail distribution of electric energy limited to certainauthorities.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter to the contrary, anauthority is not authorized to distribute electric energy for retail saleunless the authority is an authority created by a governmental unit exemptfrom the referendum requirement of § 15.2-5403. Such distribution shall belimited to retail sales within the geographic area that was, as of January 1,2006, by the governmental unit of such authority. Nothing in this chaptershall be construed to impair or abridge the exclusive territorial electricdistribution rights or property rights of any certificated incumbent publicservice company operating in the Commonwealth. No such authority isauthorized or empowered to take by condemnation, eminent domain, orotherwise, the electric distribution system, utility facilities, or otherutility property of any public service company without the consent of suchpublic service company.
(2006, cc. 929, 941.)