§ 15.2-5430. Provisions of chapter cumulative; construction.
Neither this chapter nor anything herein contained shall be construed as arestriction or limitation upon any powers which an authority or governmentalunit acting under the provisions of this chapter might otherwise have underany laws of this Commonwealth, but shall be construed as cumulative of anysuch powers. This chapter shall be construed as complete and independentauthority for the performance of each and every act and thing authorized bythis chapter. No proceedings, notice or approval shall be required for theorganization of an authority or the issuance of any bonds or any instrumentas security therefor, except as herein provided, any other law to thecontrary notwithstanding. However, nothing herein shall be construed todeprive the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions of their respectivepolice powers over properties of an authority or to impair any powerthereover of any official or agency of the Commonwealth and its politicalsubdivisions which may be otherwise provided by law. Nothing contained inthis chapter shall be deemed to authorize an authority to occupy or use anyland, streets, buildings, structures or other property of any kind, owned orused by any political subdivision within its jurisdiction, or any publicimprovement or facility maintained by such political subdivision for the useof its inhabitants, without first obtaining the consent of the governing bodythereof.
(1979, c. 416, § 15.1-1633; 1997, c. 587.)