§ 15.2-5606. Acquisition, maintenance and operation of projects; revenuesfrom projects.
The authority may acquire or construct and maintain and operate any one ormore projects under this chapter in such manner as the authority maydetermine, and the authority may operate each project separately or it mayoperate one or more projects together. The authority shall have exclusivecontrol over the revenues derived from its operations and may use revenuesfrom one project in connection with any other project. No person shallreceive any profit or dividend from the revenues, earnings or other funds orassets of the authority other than for debts contracted, for servicesrendered, for materials and supplies furnished and for other value actuallyreceived by the authority.
(Code 1950, § 15-714.19; 1962, c. 393, § 7, § 15.1-1277; 1997, c. 587.)