§ 15.2-5802. Members of Authority; chairman; terms.
A. The Authority shall consist of nine members who shall be appointed by theGovernor, and the Governor shall designate one of the members as chairman.The members of the Authority annually shall elect a vice-chairman from theirmembership who shall perform the duties of the chairman in his absence. Inmaking appointments to the Authority, the Governor shall ensure that thegeographic areas of the Commonwealth are represented; however, in the event amajor league baseball stadium is proposed, at least four members of theAuthority shall be residents of the county or city in which the facility isproposed to be located. The appointments of the members by the Governor shallbe confirmed in accordance with § 2.2-107.
B. The term of a member of the Authority is four years. However, upon theinitial appointment of the members of the Authority, the terms of the membersshall be staggered as follows: The initial term of three of the members shallbe four years; the initial term of three members shall be three years; andthe initial term of the remaining three members shall be two years. TheGovernor shall designate the term to be served by each appointee at the timeof appointment.
At the end of a term, a member shall continue to serve until a successor isappointed and qualifies. A member who is appointed after a term has begunserves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed andqualifies. Upon the end of the term of a member, or upon the resignation orremoval of a member, the Governor shall appoint a member to the Authority.The Governor may remove a member for cause in accordance with § 2.2-108. Themembers of the Authority shall receive no compensation for their services,but a member may be reimbursed by the Authority for reasonable expensesactually incurred in the performance of the duties of that office.
(1992, c. 823, § 15.1-227.72; 1995, cc. 613, 629; 1997, c. 587.)