§ 15.2-5804. Executive Director appointment; duties.
A. The Authority shall appoint an Executive Director, who is the chiefadministrative officer and secretary of the Authority and serves at thepleasure of the Authority. The Executive Director shall be paid from funds asmay be appropriated or received by the Authority.
B. In addition to any other duties set forth in this chapter, the ExecutiveDirector shall:
1. Direct and supervise the administrative affairs and activities of theAuthority in accordance with its rules, regulations, and policies;
2. Attend all meetings and keep minutes of all proceedings;
3. Approve all accounts for salaries, per diem payments, and allowableexpenses of the Authority and its employees and consultants and approve allexpenses incidental to the operation of the Authority;
4. Report and make recommendations to the Authority on the merits and statusof any proposed facility; and
5. Perform any other duty that the Authority requires for carrying out theprovisions of this chapter.
(1992, c. 823, § 15.1-227.74; 1995, cc. 613, 629; 1996, cc. 950, 1038; 1997,c. 587.)