§ 15.2-622. Same; director as purchasing agent.
The director of finance shall act as purchasing agent for the county, unlessthe board designates another officer or employee for such purpose. Thedirector of finance or the person designated as purchasing agent shall makeall purchases, subject to such exceptions as the board allows. He maytransfer supplies, materials and equipment between departments and offices;sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of any surplus supplies, materials orequipment; and make such other sales, exchanges and dispositions as the boardauthorizes. He may, with the approval of the board, establish suitablespecifications or standards for all goods, services, insurance andconstruction to be procured for the county; inspect all deliveries todetermine their compliance with such specifications and standards; and sellsupplies, materials and equipment to volunteer rescue squads at the same costas the cost of such supplies, materials and equipment to the county. He shallhave charge of such storerooms and warehouses of the county as the boardprovides.
All purchases shall be made in accordance with Chapter 43 (§ 2.2-4300 etseq.) of Title 2.2 and under such rules and regulations consistent withChapter 43 of Title 2.2 as the board establishes. He shall not furnish anygoods, services, insurance or construction to any department or office exceptupon receipt of a properly approved requisition and unless there is anunencumbered appropriation balance sufficient to pay for them.
(Code 1950, § 15-320; 1954, c. 46; 1956, c. 349; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 69;1962, cc. 399, 623, § 15.1-640; 1982, c. 647; 1991, c. 16; 1997, c. 587.)