§ 15.2-635. Selection or appointment of certain officers and heads ofdepartments; filling vacancies.
The clerk of the circuit court, the attorney for the Commonwealth and thesheriff shall be selected in the manner and for the terms, and vacancies insuch office shall be filled, as provided by general law.
The clerk of the circuit court shall be clerk of the board of supervisorsunless the board designates some other person for this purpose. The clerk ofthe board shall exercise the powers conferred and perform the duties imposedupon such officer by general law and shall be subject to the obligations andpenalties imposed by general law. He shall also perform such other duties asthe board imposes upon him.
The directors or heads of all other departments of the county shall beappointed by the county manager. The county manager may, with the board'sconsent, act as the director or head of one or more departments of thecounty, provided he is otherwise eligible to head such department ordepartments and, in the case of those officers whose appointments must beapproved, his appointment is likewise approved.
In case of the absence or disability of any officer, other than the attorneyfor the Commonwealth, the clerk of the circuit court and the sheriff, whichoffices shall be filled as prescribed by general law, the county manager orother appointing power may designate some responsible person to perform theduties of the office.
(Code 1950, § 15-329; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-652; 1997, c. 587.)