§ 15.2-6017. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Authority" means the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority, a bodypolitic and corporate, created, organized, and operated pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter or, if such Authority is abolished, the board,body, authority, department, or officer succeeding to the principal functionsthereof or to whom the powers given by this chapter are given by law.
"Board" means the board of the Southwest Regional Recreation Authorityestablished pursuant to § 15.2-6018.
"Land" includes roads, water, watercourses, private ways and buildings,structures, and machinery or equipment thereon when attached to the realty.
"Owner" includes tenant, lessee, occupant, or person in control of thepremises.
"Recreational purposes" includes any one or any combination of thefollowing recreational activities: hunting, fishing, swimming, boating,camping, picnicking, hiking, pleasure driving, motorcycle or all-terrainvehicle riding, bicycling, horseback riding, nature study, water skiing,winter sports, and visiting, viewing or enjoying historical, archaeological,scenic, or scientific sites or otherwise using land for purposes of the user.
"Southwest Regional Recreation Area" means a system of recreational trailsand appurtenant facilities, including trail-head centers, parking areas,camping facilities, picnic areas, recreational areas, historic or culturalinterpretive sites, and other facilities that are a part of the system.
(2008, cc. 645, 648.)