§ 15.2-6018. Board of directors; appointments; terms.
The Authority shall be governed by a board of directors in which all powersof the Authority shall be vested. The Authority shall consist of members asfollows:
1. One representative each appointed by the governing body of the City ofNorton and the Counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott,Tazewell, and Wise to serve terms of three years;
2. Four additional non-voting members appointed by a majority vote of themembers appointed in subdivision 1 to serve terms of two years; and
3. Any additional non-voting members as determined by the board.
Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired terms. Any membermay be reappointed. The directors shall elect from their membership achairman and a vice-chairman. Each director shall, upon appointment orreappointment, before entering upon his duties take and subscribe the oathprescribed by § 49-1.
(2008, cc. 645, 648; 2009, c. 720.)