§ 15.2-6024. Limiting liability.
A. An owner of land used by or for the stated purposes of the Authority,whether with or without charge, owes no duty of care to keep the premisessafe for entry or use by others for recreational purposes or to give anywarning of a dangerous or hazardous condition, use, structure, or activity onthe premises to persons entering for those purposes.
B. The landowner or lessor of the property used for recreational purposesdoes not: (i) extend any assurance that the premises are safe for anypurpose; (ii) confer upon users the legal status of an invitee or licensee towhom a duty of care is owed; or (iii) assume responsibility for or incurliability for any injury to person or property caused by an act or omissionof these persons.
C. Nothing herein limits in any way any liability which otherwise exists fordeliberate, willful, or malicious infliction of injury to persons orproperty. Nothing herein limits in any way the obligation of a personentering upon or using the land of another for recreational purposes toexercise due care in his or her use of the land and in his or her activitiesthereon, so as to prevent the creation of hazards or waste.
(2008, cc. 645, 648.)