§ 15.2-6003. Board of Authority; members and officers; staff; annual report.
All powers, rights and duties conferred by this chapter, or other provisionsof law, upon the Authority shall be exercised by the Board of the VirginiaCoalfield Economic Development Authority, hereinafter referred to as theBoard or the Board of the Authority. Board members shall serve for terms offour years except that all vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term.All terms shall commence July 1 of the year of appointment. Initialappointments shall begin July 1, 1988. The Board shall consist of sixteenmembers, residents of the Commonwealth, as follows:
Three initial members shall be the sitting chairmen of the county boards ofsupervisors of the three counties which are the three largest contributors tothe coal and gas road improvement fund for the fiscal year immediatelypreceding July 1, 1988, as reported by the treasurers of the affectedcounties and city. Every four years thereafter, the three members shall besupervisors from the county boards of supervisors of the three counties whichare the three largest contributors to the Virginia Coalfield EconomicDevelopment Fund for the fiscal year immediately preceding July 1 of the yearin which new terms of members are to begin. Such supervisors shall beselected by their respective county boards of supervisors.
Five members shall be appointed by the Governor at large; however, if thereis any participating county or city in which there resides no member of theBoard appointed by the other methods herein specified, the Governor shallinclude at least one member who is a resident of each such county or cityamong his appointees. For the first four-year terms these five members shallbe selected to the extent possible from former members of the SouthwestVirginia Economic Development Commission who reside in Planning District 1 or2.
One member shall be a representative of the Virginia Economic DevelopmentPartnership, as designated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Partnership.
One member shall be a representative named by the Virginia Coal Association.
Two members shall be the Executive Directors of the LENOWISCO and CumberlandPlateau Planning District Commissions.
Three initial members shall be representatives named by the three largestcoal producers determined by the dollar value of their contribution to therespective county coal and gas road improvement funds for the fiscal yearimmediately preceding July 1, 1988, as reported by the treasurers of theaffected counties and city. Every four years thereafter, the three membersshall be representatives named by the three largest coal producers determinedby the dollar value of their contributions to the Virginia Coalfield EconomicDevelopment Fund for the fiscal year immediately preceding July 1 of the yearin which new terms of members are to begin.
One member shall be a representative named by the largest oil and gasproducer determined by the dollar value of its contributions to the VirginiaCoalfield Economic Development Fund for the fiscal year immediately precedingJuly 1 of the year in which new terms of members are to begin.
Should a member who is a member solely by virtue of his office as member of aboard of supervisors or executive director of a planning district commissioncease to hold such office, then an immediate vacancy shall occur, and thevacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term by his successorselected by the board of supervisors of his county or as executive director.
Each member of the Board shall, before entering upon the discharge of theduties of this office, take and subscribe the oath prescribed in § 49-1. Theyshall receive their expenses spent on business of the Authority.
Ten members of the Authority shall constitute a quorum and the affirmativevote of a majority of the quorum present shall be necessary for any actiontaken by the Authority. No vacancy in the membership of the Authority shallimpair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all theduties of the Authority.
The Board shall elect from its membership a chairman, a vice-chairman, atreasurer and a secretary for each calendar year. The secretary shall keepthe minutes of the Board and affix the seal of the Authority.
The Board may also appoint an executive director, an assistant treasurer andan assistant secretary, and staff to assist same, who shall discharge suchfunctions as may be directed by the Board.
Staff functions of the Authority may be undertaken by the LENOWISCO andCumberland Plateau Planning District Commissions, as agreed by the Board andparticipating Commissions.
The Board, promptly following the close of the calendar year, shall submit anannual report of the Authority's activities for the preceding year to theGovernor, the General Assembly, the boards of supervisors of the sevencoalfield counties and the Norton City Council. Each such report shall setforth a complete operating and financial statement covering the operation ofthe Authority during such year. The Authority shall cause an audit of itsbooks and accounts to be made at least once each year by a certified publicaccountant and the cost thereof may be treated as part of the expense ofoperation.
(1988, c. 833, § 15.1-1638; 1989, c. 281; 1990, c. 341; 1995, c. 334; 1996,cc. 590, 598, 607; 1997, c. 587; 2010, c. 869.)