§ 15.2-6006. Further powers.
The Authority, to accomplish its general purpose, is given the followingpowers, namely:
1. To enter into contractual agreements in furtherance of its purpose;
2. To rent, lease, buy, own, acquire and dispose of such property, real orpersonal, as the Authority deems proper to carry out any of the purposes andprovisions of this chapter, including the execution of leases with option topurchase;
3. To apply for and accept grants or loans of money or other property fromany federal agency for any of the purposes authorized in this chapter, and toexpend or use the same in accordance with the directions and requirementsattached thereto or imposed thereon by any such federal agency;
4. To engage in economic development marketing and business attractionactivities and to pay from the Authority's funds any and all expensesincurred in connection with such economic development marketing and businessattraction activities;
5. To pay from the Authority's funds any and all expenses incurred by theAuthority including, but not limited to, administrative, operational,personnel, consultant, legal, marketing, business attraction, advertising,promotional, and any other expenses incurred in furtherance of the purposesof this chapter; and
6. To do and perform any act or function that is in accord with the purposesof the chapter, including (i) borrowing money and (ii) employing such personsas the Board deems necessary to carry on the business of the Authority.
(1988, c. 833, § 15.1-1641; 1990, c. 341; 1997, c. 587; 2004, cc. 36, 177.)